Monday 13 August 2012

SEO Fightback Review by Jacobo Benitez and Michael Carling

If you have ever tried to rank your site Google has probably kicked your ass into oblivion…
  • And as forums buzz with how to overcome this latest Google “death blow”…
  • As SEOs scratch their heads and lose client contracts by the dozen…
  • As blog networks draw in their last breath before going flat out of business…
  • One man has quietly put together the solution.

SEO FightBack System is from 2 guys Jacobo Benitez and Michael Carling. Now as many of you already know.. blog networks took a major crash when Google released their latest updates and this effected thousands upon thousands of people and their monthly income. Although there are still a few blog networks still alive and kicking, there’s a good chance they will be effected soon too as most of them leave traces across the Internet which basically leads Google straight to them.
This is where the SEO FightBack System network dominates. It’s the first untraceable, undetectable, impenetrable linking network anywhere!
Who is Jacobo Benitez?
You may remember my six-figure Adwords Profits 2 product or his blockbuster PPC Revenge launch.
His customers, clients and subscribers know him as someone who delivers traffic solutions that WORK.
And that’s why he’s always on the lookout for top traffic talent.
Who is Michael Carlin?
Enter SEO whiz-kid Michael Carlin. Some of you know his smash-hit software PR Plunder.
Over on the Warrior Forum he sold 2,000+ of these beauties to savvy SEO folks.
Michael Carlin is an exceptional WSO Seller, he created a software (PR Plunder) which is a TOP money maker for affiliates.
That software convert really well and has earned me $4k+ with just sending around 2000 hops to that offer.
He also offers TOP Notch customer support, you will feel proud when you promote his offer to your list.
With more than $80k in sales in the last year, Michael is one of the top JV Partner in the Warrior Forum right now.
But with PR Plunder he was just getting started.
You see, while many other marketers ran for the hills when Google dropped their latest bombshell… Michael was already prepared.
As hundreds, thousands even tens of thousands of websites plummeted… his own sites held steady at the top spots in Google.
How is this possible?
It’s because Michael has an alternative approach to SEO and traffic generation.
One which the so-called SEO gurus now WISH they had adopted.
Let me say this… blog networks DID work. But only for a short time.
They had major flaws which meant they were “ticking time bombs” for anybody using them to link to their sites.
They failed because they left footprints… they could be penetrated… they used crappy spun articles on crappy blogs.
SEO Fightback System Takes Linking To A Whole Nother Level!!
Now you get to create your OWN network… in plain sight… on WordPress blogs…
… and YOU are in total control.
It’s fool-proof and it’s Google-proof.
They’ve Got Some Real Surprises In Store…
The SEO FightBack System is a world first and it puts power back into the hands of the people.

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